Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mother Goddess

When we were studying the ancient civilizations in History, I found a picture of a statue of the Indus Mother Goddess in my text book.  I thought it would be interesting to draw, and it was.

So, yeah, I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

exclamation Mark

I don't really feel like talking about this character, since this isn't his correct design, I changed it for a birthday present.  I will say however his name is exclamation Mark.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Apple of my eye

Ah, not much to say about this one.  I was listening to Panic at the Disco's "Memories" and the line "apple of their eyes" caught my attention.  This is one of my messier works, mostly because it was done directly before I went to bed.  Anyway, this would be another one done in color if my scanner wasn't the reaper of colors, hope you enjoy.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Flower Children

One of my all-time favorite movies is definitely Harold and Maude.  I can't help it, I love dark comedies (which would also explain my love for Mary and Max)  Anyways, it would be wrong not to do a picture of the main characters. 

Starbursts aren't the only contradiction.

 I'm serious, Harold and Maude are almost complete opposites, but they're probably the best couple ever created.

Apart from this plain black-and-white ink version, I also went over it with watercolors, but because my scanner hates me, it ate the colors, so maybe if I come up with a method to capture the image while still keeping the hues and such, but until then there really won't be any colored pictures.  So anyways, I hope you enjoy this picture as much as my brother didn't ha ha.